Copenhagen Accord Reaffirms 2 Degree Goal, but Gap with National Proposals Remain. The Sooner the Action, the Cheaper and Easier.

December 20, 2009 by Andrew P. Jones

The Copenhagen Accord reaffirms the importance of limiting global warming to 2 °C (3.6 °F), but current national commitments would lead to ...

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19 December 12:30am: Draft Copenhagen Accord Too Thin to Analyze

December 18, 2009 by Andrew P. Jones

Copenhagen -- As of 12:30 am on 19 December, the latest draft text for the Copenhagen Accord has too few quantifiable targets for our team ...

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As Heads of State Talk Here in Copenhagen, We've Made Progress and Have Further To Go

December 18, 2009 by Andrew P. Jones

Today, as the Heads of State gather here at the Copenhagen Conference, our calculations show that current confirmed proposals are not yet ...

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Climate Scoreboard User Note: It Reports Results of National Proposals, Not the Full UNFCCC Copenhagen Agreement

December 18, 2009 by Andrew P. Jones

The Climate Scoreboard, created by the Climate Interactive team with the C-ROADS simulator, indicates long-term outcomes of national ...

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Bill McKibben's Guardian UK Article Features Climate Interactive

December 16, 2009 by Stephanie McCauley

The following is Bill McKibben's article on the Copenhagen summit, which discusses the importance of numbers in the climate negotiations ...

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Copenhagen -- C-ROADS at the US State Department Center

December 14, 2009 by Stephanie McCauley

At the end of the first week of the Copenhagen climate summit, the Climate Interactive team gave a presentation at the US Center on the ...

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New York Times Dot Earth Blog Features Climate Scoreboard

December 14, 2009 by Stephanie McCauley

We're thrilled that, as one of his final set of blog posts as a staff writer at the NY Times, Andy Revkin chose to cover our Climate ...

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Japan Changes its Mitigation Proposal: Climate Scoreboard Shifts, in Wrong Direction

December 13, 2009 by Elizabeth Sawin

Our calculation of anticipated 2100 global temperature, captured in the Climate Scoreboard, nudged slightly higher with the news of Japan ...

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Breaking News from Copenhagen: National Emissions Reductions Proposals Currently Fall Short of the Targets Defined in the Draft Text from the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-Term Cooperative Action

December 12, 2009 by Andrew P. Jones

Writing from the Bella Center in Copenhagen, our Climate Interactive team is sharing analysis of Day 5 Draft Texts in COP15.

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Climate Interactive Presents C-ROADS and Scoreboard in Copenhagen

December 11, 2009 by Stephanie McCauley

On Wednesday, here at COP15 in Copenhagen, the Climate Interactive team and partners presented the C-ROADS simulation and the Climate ...

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Dartmouth College at Copenhagen Via Climate Interactive

December 11, 2009 by Stephanie McCauley

Dartmouth College released a press release about their impact in Copenhagen at the climate change conference. It focuses on how alumnus ...

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