350.org Used Our "Open Source" Climate Scoreboard Data in Copenhagen Poster

By Andrew P. Jones
January 13, 2010

The not-for-profit group 350.org used our widely-available C-ROADS output data to create their own poster to influence delegates in Copenhagen at COP15.

Near the end of the conference, the poster you see here was pasted all over the Bella Center and seen by thousands.

We’re thrilled — their use of our data demonstrates the power of the “open innovation” or “open architecture” or “open source” (you can see we’re still searching for the right words…) approach we use here at Climate Interactive and Sustainability Institute.  We share the simulations we build (see the sim online here), the assumptions behind them (see our reference guide here), and the data output (see the Excel files here).  The idea is that other people and organizations (like Bill McKibben and the team at 350.org) can do fantastic things we never dreamed of.