World Needs Long Term, Post-2020 Climate Targets

April 23, 2010 by Stephanie McCauley

How far into the future should policymakers specify the GHG emissions targets they and their nations propose?  How far into the future ...

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"Adding Up" Pledges Gets Official in UNFCCC!

April 21, 2010 by Andrew P. Jones

A working group of the UNFCCC officially requested the sort of  "Adding Up" of mitigation pledges that we do with C-ROADS and the Climate ...

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Climate Scoreboard Takes Flight

April 13, 2010 by Elizabeth Sawin

On the trip home from the UNFCCC meeting in Bonn, Germany I was pleasantly surprised to see a fairly accurate representation of the Climate ...

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Summing Up Emissions Reduction Pledges: The State of the Art

April 13, 2010 by Elizabeth Sawin

Judging from the  well-attended  side-event on the first day of last week's UNFCCC session there appears to be growing momentum to  assess ...

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The Calculators of the Global Climate Deal Unite in Bonn

April 13, 2010 by Andrew P. Jones

At the UNFCCC meeting in Bonn Germany, the climate modelers who are calculating the effectiveness of mitigation pledges have united to ...

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Breaking News in Bonn: Parties Ask for Adding up of Mitigation Pledges

April 11, 2010 by Andrew P. Jones

Writing from the UN climate negotiations in Bonn Germany, where the AOSIS island nations and EU recently proposed a formal "adding up" of ...

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Live-Blogging the Bonn Climate Talks

April 9, 2010 by Andrew P. Jones

Greetings from the UN Climate Talks in Bonn Germany!

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Climate Interactive and C-ROADS Heads to Bonn for the UNFCCC Meeting

April 4, 2010 by Andrew P. Jones

Two members of our team out of Sustainability Institute, Dr. Beth Sawin and Andrew Jones, are heading this week to the UNFCCC meeting in ...

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"The Agenda With Steve Paikin" Covers Climate Interactive

March 24, 2010 by Andrew P. Jones

<p style="text-align:left;">We've pimped a post from The Inside Agenda, the blog of "The Agenda with Steve Paikin." For Americans, think of ...

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Watch Dr. John Sterman of MIT In Short Video on C-ROADS

March 24, 2010 by Andrew P. Jones

Climate Interactive partner Dr. John Sterman of the Sloan School of Management at MIT, one of the developers of C-ROADS, presented the ...

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C-ROADS in the Geodome in Copenhagen

March 10, 2010 by Stephanie McCauley

Our colleague from the Elumenati, David McConville and Ned Gardiner, worked with a team to adapt C-ROADS data into spatial format to ...

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"World Climate" -- Our Role-Playing Simulation-Based Policy Exercise is Spreading

February 11, 2010 by Stephanie McCauley

More people around the world are getting to experience World Climate: A Computer-Simulation-Based Role-Playing Exercise! Here are a couple ...

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