The Calculators of the Global Climate Deal Unite in Bonn

By Andrew P. Jones
April 13, 2010

At the UNFCCC meeting in Bonn Germany, the climate modelers who are calculating the effectiveness of mitigation pledges have united to collaborate towards strengthening the global climate deal.

At a side event organized by the European Climate Foundation (that’s Dr. Beth Sawin of Sustainability Institute’s Climate Interactive program speaking at it next to Murray Ward of Climate Strategies), all the scientific teams laid out their approaches, explored methodological challenges, and imagined possible increased coordination.

Speakers were:

Bert Metz, Joerg Haas, Ramzi Elias, European Climate Foundation

Kilaparti Ramakrishna, UNEP

Bill Hare and Niklas Hohne, Climate Analytics, Ecofys, Potsdam/PIK

Kelly Levin, WRI

Murray Ward, Climate Strategies

Beth Sawin, Climate Interactive, Sustainability Institute

Marcel Brinkman, McKinsey Consulting

One of the key slides is above.

The European Climate Foundation further organized an off-site meeting of the groups to continue the conversation. It showed great foresight and leadership by ECF to make it happen.

Next steps: how to include non-US-and-EU perspectives on the “state of the global deal?”