Breaking News in Bonn: Parties Ask for Adding up of Mitigation Pledges

By Andrew P. Jones
April 11, 2010

Writing from the UN climate negotiations in Bonn Germany, where the AOSIS island nations and EU recently proposed a formal “adding up” of the mitigation pledges to the UNFCCC.

A recent text in the AWG-KP group included, “The AWG-KP requested the secretariat… prepare an analysis of the pledges for emissions reduction provided by Annex 1 Parties.”  And the EU then added, “and their contribution to the ultimate goal of the Convention.”

We’re excited to see this request — if accepted, it would involve the work of the Climate Scoreboard with C-ROADS as well as our colleagues at Climate Analytics, Project Catalyst, the Grantham Institute, WRI, UNEP and others who were part of a group press release on the “adding up” work.