New Financial and Climate Impact Graphs in En-ROADS: Market Prices of Oil and Natural Gas and Frequency of Extreme Heat

December 6, 2023 by Janet Chikofsky

Three new graphs in En-ROADS explore the financial effects of energy policies and the impact of climate change on the number of years with extreme heat.

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The Washington Post Shared Our Analysis of A Trillion Trees - Here’s What’s Behind the Numbers

August 2, 2023 by Climate Interactive

In response to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s proposal to plant a trillion trees, the Washington Post wrote an article that included analysis from Climate Interactive’s En-ROADS simulator. Discover what’s behind the numbers…

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19 Climate Games that Could Change the Future

July 13, 2023 by Ellie Johnston

The prevalence of games in our culture provides an opportunity to increase the understanding of our global challenges. In 2008 the Pew ...

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How to Save the World in 15 Minutes - Andrew Jones presents En-ROADS at the Ocean Summit

June 8, 2023 by Ava De Leon

Executive Director Andrew Jones and En-ROADS Climate Ambassador Laura Iyer shared the En-ROADS simulator with attendees of the Ocean Race Summit with an added challenge.

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Climate Interactive Unveils Major Land, Food, and Energy Updates to En-ROADS and C-ROADS

June 1, 2023 by Climate Interactive

The June 2023 En-ROADS and C-ROADS update introduces numerous improvements, with the change to the Baseline Scenarios being among the most notable.

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En-ROADS June 2023: Summary of New Features

June 1, 2023 by Climate Interactive

The June 2023 update to the En-ROADS Climate Solutions Simulator incorporates major improvements and additions, including a new Baseline Scenario and many new sliders and graphs.

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C-ROADS June 2023: Summary of New Features

June 1, 2023 by Climate Interactive

The June 2023 update to the C-ROADS Climate Change Policy Simulator introduces major improvements and additions, including a new Baseline Scenario, and model improvements to land, forests, and agriculture.

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En-ROADS and C-ROADS June 2023: Baseline Scenario

June 1, 2023 by Climate Interactive

The June 2023 En-ROADS and C-ROADS update introduces numerous improvements, with the change to the Baseline Scenarios being among the most notable.

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En-ROADS June 2023: Economic Damage Function

June 1, 2023 by Climate Interactive

The 2023 En-ROADS Baseline Scenario now incorporates the estimated effect of temperature change on global economic growth.

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En-ROADS June 2023: Land and Forests

June 1, 2023 by Climate Interactive

The June 2023 update of En-ROADS and C-ROADS adds modeling for forests, farmland, and other land types. As a result, the dynamics of greenhouse gas emissions and removals from land use, land-use change, and forests are improved in both simulators.

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En-ROADS June 2023: Bioenergy

June 1, 2023 by Climate Interactive

The June 2023 update to En-ROADS now includes significant improvements to the modeling of the link between bioenergy, land use, the energy system, and the climate.

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En-ROADS June 2023: Food and Agriculture

June 1, 2023 by Climate Interactive

The June 2023 update to En-ROADS adds more developed modeling around land use and the transitions of land.

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