What Hope Means: A Podcast and a Webinar from MIT's John Sterman

By Shanna Edberg
June 7, 2017

This week, MIT released a podcast featuring Climate Interactive member and MIT professor Dr. John Sterman. The podcast, a part of MIT Sloan School’s “Data Made to Matter” series, discusses how Climate Interactive’s data-based climate simulator helps citizens and policymakers alike understand the implications of climate change, the US exit from the Paris agreement, and the need for aggressive action - and why we must not give up hope.

Listen to the podcast on iTunes.

Dr. Sterman was also featured in a webinar by MIT’s Sloan School of Management on Building a Sustainable World: From Climate Change to Personal & Political Change. Watch the webinar below and download the slides to learn more about what we can all do in our personal and professional lives to bring about positive change.
