What Experts Love about C-ROADS

By Andrew P. Jones
September 20, 2008

“I think this is the best thing going in climate models for decision-makers. The  C-ROADS simulator captures the essential features in the climate/energy equation and the critical consequences of various actions to decarbonize the economy.

What I find particularly fascinating about the simulation is that it includes not only the climate system but also the decision-making structure of the post-Kyoto UNFCCC “COP” structure leading to Copenhagen in 2009.

And the results I’ve seen for the dynamics of carbon, temperature, and climate impacts from the simulator are consistent with the outputs of the many models I’ve examined through the years.”

— Dr. Bob Corell, Vice President for Programs, Heinz Center, USA, former chair of the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment

“For the first time, with the C-ROADS simulator, we have a way to capture on the spot the implications of the key decisions that will be made around the follow-up to Kyoto – with sobering and powerful results.’

— Prof. Jacqueline McGlade, Executive Director, European Environment Agency, Denmark (that’s Jacquie to the left, teaching Inuit names for Icebergs with guide Malik Pederson)