Video: How Could Paris Climate Talks Ratchet Up To Success?

By Ellie Johnston
November 12, 2015

How could the UN climate talks in Paris next month ratchet up the national plans (INDCs) and succeed in limiting global warming? Drew Jones of Climate Interactive presents scenarios from the C-ROADS simulation and explores how far these contributions get us, and what more is needed to keep warming to within 2° Celsius (3.6°F) of temperature change above pre-industrial levels.

This video reviews contributions that countries are making and how far they take us to addressing climate change. It explains some of the assumptions that go into making assessments of the temperature impact in 2100 given the current plans have. Additionally, the video reveals the pathways that could be followed to build on the INDCs and make the deep emissions reduction commitments needed to achieve the international goal of keeping climate change below 2°C.

The analysis comes from the Climate Scoreboard Climate Interactive has released, using the peer-reviewed freely available C-ROADS climate policy simulator developed in partnership with the MIT Sloan School of Management. Sir Robert Watson, former chair of the IPCC, led the external review of C-ROADS, which asserted that it was rigorously designed and suitable for widespread use.

INDC scenarios

Video Credits

Script and scenario design: Drew Jones and Climate Interactive staff. Production, edits, and graphics animation: Robert Klein, Klein Digital. Simulation scenario creation: Lori Siegel. Direction: Dayna Reggero. Filming and lighting: Peter Brezny. Our funders.
