Two Foundations Invest In Climate Interactive

By Andrew P. Jones
December 18, 2008

zennstrom_portrait_logoWe’re thrilled to announce that Zennström Philanthropies and the Morgan Family Foundation have both recently invested in Sustainability Institute’s work on Climate Interactive and its intention to use accessible simulations to help stabilize the climate.

Allison Robertshaw, program officer at Zennström wrote, “Zennström Philanthropies have been impressed by the work of the Sustainability Institute on their C-ROADS simulation.  With the need to reach an agreement in Copenhagen looming, this tool provides decision makers, negotiators and NGOs with a unique view into what is required from each country if we’re going to avoid an environmental catastrophe.  By making the impact of proposals clear in real time, we hope that it will spur the key actors into putting ambitious proposals on the table that have a realistic chance of halting climate change.”


Zennström also focused on helping us prepare for and complete a scientific review of the C-ROADS simulator. And the Morgan Family Foundation is focusing on making the simulator useful in the build-up to the UN conference in Copenhagen in December 2009, among other efforts.