The En-ROADS Climate Ambassador Community Continues to Grow!

By Clara Iglesias
November 16, 2021

It has been almost 2 years since the launch of the En-ROADS simulator at COP25 in Madrid, and our reach keeps growing exponentially. Leaders across the globe are using Climate Interactive tools to engage policy decision-makers, business leaders, educators, students, and activists.

Fun fact: 1 in 50,000 people on Earth have participated in our simulation events!

400+ Ambassadors:
Our Ambassadors community keeps growing after our renewed Mastering En-ROADS Training course this year.

3000+ Events:
Led by almost 1,000 facilitators from all walks of life, in 86 countries!

80,000+ Participants:
In our En-ROADS Climate Workshop and our Climate Action Simulation game experiences

Meet our Ambassador Network

Mapping by Mapline

2021 En-ROADS Events in Numbers

33 events for policymakers: 620 policy-makers reached

130 events to the business community: 2700 people reached

200 different universities reached globally

En Roads Growth

En-ROADS Stories

Attending COP26: Climate Interactive’s Andrew Jones and Bindu Bhandari were at COP26 in Glasgow last week. They held an En-ROADS Climate Workshop on Monday, November 8 together with Juliette Rooney-Varga and Bethany Patten and other En-ROADS Climate Ambassadors. Throughout, Andrew and Bindu met with an array of different leaders and were particularly excited to meet so many En-ROADS users who are engaging top decision-makers with the tools.

Ambassadors in companies are finding themselves being referred to top leadership for presentations. We have heard several stories like this, and really appreciate Rob’s tips that he included in case you are in a position to do this too. Rob Adsley is an En-ROADS Climate Ambassador and administrator at one of the largest asset manager and investment companies in the UK:

“I contacted the CEO via email and told him about my being a facilitator and ambassador for En-ROADS and my qualifications as an honours graduate in environmental studies. This translated into my being invited onto the regular Company Climate Change workshop which consists of senior executives (…). My first experience was to listen and say nothing for the first 50 minutes (mainly trying to catch up to where we were as a Company and also trying to follow the exec “talk” and abbreviations!!). At around 50 minutes I thought “I haven’t been invited to sit quietly and not get involved - so I need to be brave”. I then spoke for about 5 minutes asking what these extremely clever and knowledgeable financial senior executives actually knew about climate change - and told them they needed to have a one-hour En-ROADS presentation. At first, I was met with silence, but then they agreed it was important in their decision-making. At the following meeting, I was given a 10-minute slot for a mini presentation which went down so well I am being given a one-hour slot next. Since then another of the members of the Climate Change workshop who is a Director of another branch of our business for high net worth clients has contacted me to give another one-hour presentation.

My tips are as follows:

  1. Research the business and find out where and if En-ROADS can benefit them.
  2. Find out the appropriate business contact.
  3. Prepare to “push back” against negative or “I’m too busy responses”.
  4. Be brave - we are the experts.
  5. Be patient - it may take weeks or months to get a presentation slot - but be relentless in pursuit of your aims.
  6. Tailor your En-ROADS presentation.”

Partners in En-ROADS training: The organization Net Impact has partnered with us to lead the Mastering En-ROADS training for their global membership. New Net Impact Climate Ambassadors will use our En-ROADS simulator to amplify their impact by leading presentations to communities and decision-makers worldwide.

En-ROADS in Social Media: We loved reading these words from one of the trainees in the Mastering En-ROADS course and recent En-ROADS Ambassador!

Explore the latest features added to En-ROADS:

What can you do to take action on climate change?

Any questions?

Search in our knowledge base, or email us at

Thanks to everyone who is sharing En-ROADS and engaging people in grounded conversations about what is needed on climate change! We are excited about what more we can do together!