Sterman Hosts MIT Summit on Interactive Climate Sims

By Andrew P. Jones
August 27, 2008

A watershed meeting for Climate Interactive happened May 15, 2007. Many of us working together to launch the effort to create and share user-friendly climate simulations finally met face-to-face! MIT system dynamics hero John Sterman hosted the event at MIT, where we determined our core mission, principles, and structure.

That’s Jessica Star of SoL, John Sterman of MIT, Mike Richards of Visioneering Partners, Drew Jones of SI, Chris Johnson of IfPeople, Michael Tempel of Schlumberger/SEED, Peter Senge of MIT/SoL, and Chris Landry of SI. Michelle Erickson of Citigroup and Lori Siegel of SI missed the picture.  Notice the org chart behind us.

Chris Johnson and I had a particularly classic MIT moment before the meeting — we walked to the “infinite corridor” in the main building at MIT and saw the charter of MIT etched in 18,786 point font in the building and then returned to our meeting to join the group and write our own:

Enable and support a community that

creates, shares, and uses

credible models, accessible simulations,

in order to improve understanding of climate dynamics and

accelerate action towards climate stabilization.

Say “amen” somebody!!!