Simulators Inspire New Audiences — 2022 Year in Review

By Clara Iglesias
February 14, 2023

The impact that our climate tools are making in the world is growing exponentially. More than 264,000 people all over the world have participated in events like the En-ROADS-Climate Workshop, the Climate Action Simulation game, the World Climate Simulation game, or the En-ROADS Guided Assignment.

Participants at En-ROADS and C-ROADS events

The growth of people attending our En-ROADS and C-ROADS events. Data through January 31, 2023.

We are thrilled to share a collection of pictures and stories that facilitators sent us in 2022. This is just a small portion of the high impact events held during 2022.

The versatility of En-ROADS makes it useful for a wide range of audiences, from K-12 students, to elected officials, to science museum exhibitions.

The year kicked off with many online workshops and role-playing games:

Some conferences and workshops at corporate events took place, like this En-ROADS Climate Workshop facilitated by Friedhelm Boschert for a corporation in Austria, where 300 employees from all levels engaged with the simulator bringing lots of questions and ideas.

The Climate Action Simulation (CAS) role-playing game is a great choice for educators in universities.

Bas Tuenter facilitated the CAS at Leiden Universiteit in Den Haag, Netherlands:

Fernando Arenas ran a CAS for teachers and graduate students at a Systems Thinking course at Universidad Icesi in Cali, Colombia:

Charlotte Mendel ran a role-playing game for YouthCOP, in Hertfordshire, UK.

“We debated as different factions as sort of a mock UN Summit and decided on how to equally, or in the most popular way, lower the average temperature and create a better environment for everyone”—Andrew, 15 years old, Participant at the YouthCOP.

Team retreats and Earth Days are great occasions for including an En-ROADS workshop or role-playing activity at your company. Many En-ROADS Climate Ambassadors have experience running these events to business audiences and offer it as part of their consulting services.

Justin Connolly runs a Workshop in New Zealand.

The Amara Raja Group based in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India, participated in the Climate Action Simulation in August 2022.

En-ROADS in a keynote speech for the sustainability day of DKB, a German bank, with 250 participants, facilitated by Klemens Höppner.

Viktor Jósa at The European Climate Initiative (EUKI) in Hungary running a CAS for a group of climate and biodiversity experts from a variety of sectors including NGO, municipal, ministerial and academic leaders.

Eva De Col and Daniela Moles used the En-ROADS simulator and discussed various scenarios with several customers at their company, SEW-EURODRIVE in Milan, Italy, as part of their “Walk the green talk” events, which focused on sustainability and suitable solutions for industrial automation systems.

The team at Buzzi Unicem Cement Plant experienced an En-ROADS Climate Workshop facilitated by Riccardo Parigi, Monselice, Italy.

The C-ROADS-based World Climate Simulation game is a great opportunity for participants to engage in discussions and negotiations. Many graduate programs use the game as part of their negotiation courses.

Alicia Valero runs a World Climate Simulation at Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain.

Some events were successful in delivering insights to decision-makers in business and policy:

En-ROADS with the Climate Pathways Project—a joint initiative from the MIT Sloan Sustainability Initiative and Climate Interactive—was selected for the Paris Peace Forum which took place in November 2022. We were there to engage hundreds of visitors with the simulator and discuss how it can be used to make an impact on decision-makers.

Last but not least, part of our team at Climate Interactive was present at the COP27 UN climate change negotiations in Sharm-el-Sheikh. Read more about our time at COP27.

Looking for ways to catalyze climate action?

  1. Consider becoming a leader who can facilitate events using our simulator En-ROADS and sign up for our free training at

  2. Reach out to an En-ROADS Climate Ambassador or us to run an event for your group.

If you have facilitated an event with one of our simulators and you haven’t told us about it yet, please fill out our event registration form.

We can’t wait to see what 2023 brings!