Simulating Climate Hope at TEDx Asheville

By Andrew P. Jones
August 31, 2009

Big learning last night at the amazing TEDx Asheville:

People who understand the urgency of climate action are HUNGRY for a scientifically grounded story of the path to a global climate deal.

As part of the Climate Interactive team, I told that story last night using the C-ROADS simulator, and it felt like I was tossing 50 rib-eye steaks into a pool of under-fed sharks.

I think this has big implications for “messaging” about climate in these months before Copenhagen — we get to tell a story of possibility, not fear.

It “took a village” to deliver that presentation last night. Others who contributed directly to the content include Stephanie McCauley, Beth Sawin, Phil Rice, Lori Siegel (all with Sustainability Institute), Tom Fiddaman, John Sterman, Peter Senge, Chris Landry (presentation design), and Rick Fornoff (presentation coaching). And a powerful team led by Jennifer Saylor made the whole event happen.

Background on the scientific testing of the simulation is here.  You can play with the simulation yourself here. You can also find other presentations of C-ROADS, other videos, and an interactive policy exercise using the simulator. The work is part of Climate Interactive, which is a program of Sustainability Institute, a not-for-profit organization founded by Donella Meadows.

The local daily newspaper’s article is here.

The tweets are all here.

Watch a video of the presentation here.