Side-Event: An equitable pathway toward 350 ppm CO2

By Elizabeth Sawin
June 1, 2010

If you happen to be in Bonn for the UNFCCC session this week please stop by’s side event, which will include an interactive session using C-ROADS to explore pathways toward 350 ppm.

Side-Event: An equitable pathway toward 350 ppm CO2

Friday 4 June, 19.45-21.45

Wind Room

Description: An equitable pathway toward 350 ppm CO2, including analysis about the state of the current pledges, the work of a rising ‘ambition coalition’ within the negotiations, and advocacy work regarding strong targets.

Speakers include:

Diana Vogtel, European Coordinator,

Elizabeth Sawin, co-Director of Climate Interactive program at the Sustainability Institute:

Matthew Stilwell, Managing Director of the Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development

Pablo Solon, Bolivian ambassador to the United Nations