Rain gardens improve runoff and water quality along Singapore canal

By Stephanie McCauley
March 16, 2016

raingardenLast month, Singapore’s Active, Beautiful, Clean Waters program opened new greenspace along a stretch of canal in Bukit Batok. Flowering plants and four rain gardens now line 230m of the canal, helping with runoff, water quality, and beautifying the area. They also installed benches along the gardens, allowing citizens to enjoy the new space while learning more about biodiversity and water quality.

Climate Protection: Increases sequestration of carbon from vegetation Resilience: Helps clean and capture runoff water Food & Water: Improves water quality Health, Well-Being, & Safety: Beautifies the area Connection: Provides space for citizens to gather outdoors and learn about vegetation and water quality  
This post is part of a series on examples of multisolving, or climate-smart policies that simultaneously work to mitigate climate change while providing co-benefits such as the ones described above. The multiple benefits analysis was done using the FLOWER framework.