More updates to C-ROADS version 3

By Ellie Johnston
March 6, 2012

Another release of C-ROADS is available with more new features!

Why the update, so soon after our last? We want to give people, like you, who are using our free tools access to the latest updates and fixes as soon as possible to ensure our tools are helpful to you. The reality is that gone are the days of compiling a long list of updates for each new release. Even further past are the days of releasing CD-ROMs with software updates and mailing them off to users. Today all we have to do is upload the new version of C-ROADS and send you a quick note to let you know about the new features. The new features in C-ROADS v3.005 are listed below and described by Senior Scientist, Phil Rice in this video:

You can access a copy of C-ROADS by logging in or if you don’t have a username, requesting one here. If you’ve got a case of nostalgia, we can even mail you a CD-ROM---you’ll have to pay for shipping and handling, however.

Excel and graphical inputs in 1-region/Global mode

We have added the ability to input Fossil Fuel CO2 emissions targets using the Excel spreadsheet, User Scenario v3 005.xls, as well as via the graphical input mode*****.  Setting inputs for 1-region is now the same as for the 6-region and 15-region spreadsheet input.

Additional graphs

Two additional graphs have been added to the graph viewing panes. Under the “CO2 Emissions” menu on the left graph pane, two Global Cumulative Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions graphs are available displayed either in GTons Carbon or as GTons CO2. These new graphs are available at any of the C-ROADS aggregation levels.

Resize to Screen Size Option

If you open the C-ROADS Directory within Windows Explorer, you will see both “C-ROADS v3.VNP” and “C-ROADS v3 – resize.VNP.” Selecting the “C-ROADS v3 – resize” option will open C-ROADS in a mode which scales the C-ROADS User Interface to fit a larger or smaller screen size. This is especially helpful if you using a screen that is smaller than the minimum 1024 x 768 that the normal C-ROADS interface is designed to fit. The screen rescaling is not merely a zoom of the screen and as such some items do not scale as well as others. Nevertheless this option can be helpful with small screens. For projection purposes, we recommend changing the computer’s screen resolution to closer to the projector’s resolution to make the C-ROADS native 1024x768 image more visible. This preserves the quality of the user interface.

Dataset Control help dialog

When you click on the “Load/Unload Run” button, there is now a help file to guide your resizing of the “Dataset Control” dialog. It is there if you need it, and may be ignored if you don’t. When you dismiss the “Dataset Control” dialog, the help screen also closes.

Adjust x-axis maximum and minimum on graphs

In the Settings pane there is a new adjustment for graphs, Set X-axis for Graphs, which contains a pair of input boxes that allow you to change the displayed years on those graphs that normally display from 2000-2100. This feature may be useful if you want to focus attention on near term goals such as 2020 targets or 2050 targets by only showing the relevant years of the graph or historical portions of particular data.

Bug fixes

A bug was repaired that caused a saved run which was at 1-region/Global resolution and opened using “Load saved run” to open without displaying the Emissions targets settings on the screen.

If the Reference scenario was not set to the default, SRES A1FI MINCAM, on the Welcome/Main view and a saved run was loaded that used the default as the reference scenario, the run would be loaded with the incorrect reference scenario.