Launch of The Climate Leader—Online Systems Thinking Training

By Megan Alley
January 5, 2015

Zion National Park. ©2011 Nathan Alley

Climate Interactive is launching The Climate Leader, a free five-week online training series in systems thinking. The course will share some time-tested insights into navigating the complex world of taking action on climate. Included will be video lessons with helpful techniques to seeing the big picture and identifying strategic places to invest our energies.

Sign up below! And, tell your friends to sign up too!

Once you sign up, you will receive a series of video lessons via email. In addition, there will be opportunities to participate in exercises to deepen your understanding and connect with others participating in the course.

None of us know how the climate struggle is going to turn out, but you have stepped up to contribute anyway. Perhaps you’re helping your community ramp up energy efficiency, designing climate policy for governments, protecting a patch of forest, or you’ve picked up another one of the thousands of jobs that are essential to the global struggle to protect a livable climate. Our goal with The Climate Leader is to help you be as intentional as possible, as bold as possible, and as visionary and clear as you can be.

What we offer are some practical and proven approaches for leading in complexity, being strategic, and drawing on both your own rational brilliance and your own deep intuitive instincts through systems thinking.

Through the eleven lessons, this course will help you answer questions like:

The ideas we share were developed out of MIT. Our team at Climate Interactive has decades of experience, and has learned from people with brilliant minds and brimming-over hearts. These are teachers, like Donella Meadows, Dennis Meadows, John Sterman, Peter Senge, Joanna Macy and many more, who changed our lives and how we saw the world and our work within it. The outlook they shaped is often called systems thinking, but, as you will see if you join The Climate Leader, it’s about much more than thinking!

The course is free and you can sign up to begin at anytime. In return for what we provide, we invite you to use what you can to make a difference, share what you like, and give us feedback. Our strategy is: we help you, you help us, and together we will do our best to find successes on climate.

If this sounds useful to your work, join us:
