Climate Interactive Events in Copenhagen

By Stephanie McCauley
November 30, 2009

We hope to see many of you in Copenhagen!

If you will be in Copenhagen, look for members of our extended team using C-ROADS and sharing the Climate Scoreboard: Drew Jones (SI), Beth Sawin (SI), John Sterman (MIT), Lori Siegel (SI), Tom Fiddaman (Ventana Systems), Bob Corell (CAI), and Travis Franck (Tufts).

And please join us for the following events:

• Tuesday, Dec. 8 from 1-4pm at DGI-byen

o Bas de Leeuw, SI’s new Executive Director, will be a speaker in a side event — “Sustainable Consumption and Production Framework and its Role in a Climate Change Agenda”

• Wednesday, Dec. 9 from 9:30-11am in the Bellona room in the Bella Center

o Side event on the C-ROADS simulation and the Climate Scoreboard

• Friday, Dec. 11 from 11:30am-12:30pm at the United States COP15 Center

o Side event on the C-ROADS simulation with John Sterman of MIT and our colleagues in the U.S. State Department who are using the simulation

• Monday, Dec. 14 from 7-9pm in the Bellona room in the Bella Center

o The “Copenhagen Climate Exercise” (now “World Climate”) role-playing exercise played with international students (there may not be room to stay for the entire event, but please drop in to see…)

• Friday, Dec. 18 from 9-11am in the Bellona room in the Bella Center

o Side event on the C-ROADS simulation and the Climate Scoreboard

And please send us an email or text to find a time for us to meet during the event. If you will not be in Copenhagen, you can still follow us from afar here on the blog or via twitter at