Climate Interactive and C-ROADS Heads to Bonn for the UNFCCC Meeting

By Andrew P. Jones
April 4, 2010

Two members of our team out of Sustainability Institute, Dr. Beth Sawin and Andrew Jones, are heading this week to the UNFCCC meeting in Bonn, Germany to use C-ROADS to help the global “pledge tracking” effort.

We’ll be presenting at a UN side event along with our colleagues at Project Catalyst, WRI, Ecofys, Climate Analytics, McKinsey Global Institute, and Grantham Institute. The topic: “Taking Stock — Current Country Commitments, Pledges, Comparability, and Concerns.” Look for us Friday April 9, from 18.00 - 19.30 at the Ministry of Environment (Wind).

The event was the good idea of the folks at the European Climate Foundation — Delia Villagrasa, Jules Kortenhorst and team.

Fascinating times — how to track proposals to the global climate deal and calculate whether we are on track temperature-wise when countries are coming forward with various forms of proposals, as specific as “80% reduction in GHG emissions of 1990 levels by 2050” to as difficult-to-quantify as “promote renewable energy in our country” !

For background, check out our Climate Scoreboard, the Scoreboard Science and Data, and C-ROADS, the simulator we use to make the calculations.