C-ROADS In Cancun COP16 -- China, Emissions Gap Report, and Empowering the World

By Andrew P. Jones
December 7, 2010

Second week in the COP16 UN negotiations in China showing good possibilities for climate progress for Climate Interactive and the world.

The photo here is our team of Drew Jones, Beth Sawin, and Travis Franck with Zhou Li (second from left) of Tsinghua University. We’re planning US-China-created workshops in China for provincial leaders who are working to meet their mitigation pledges. And using C-ROADS “China” to do so. Great to connect in person.

Today Beth is helping officially present the “Emissions Gap Report” (which she co-authored) from UNEP to the Mexican Government. The Report has gotten wide citation and note within the official and unofficial processes here. Very encouraged.

Other activities: Engaging “BASIC” countries who want to use C-ROADS, sharing the new iPhone app beta, talking with businesses (e.g., Nike) about business-oriented simulations, meeting venture capitalists who want a capital-driven simulation, and talking with civil society activists about sparking the global citizen support for action.

As signs here say, “From Small Seeds in Cancun… Big Things Can Happen”

[![](https://img.climateinteractive.org/2010/12/img_0790.jpg?w=1024 "IMG_0790")](https://img.climateinteractive.org/2010/12/img_0790.jpg)